Reservation Policies

Due to a cut in general funding from the campus, Conference and Event Services will no longer be able to provide the following services to student sponsored events:

  • Advising services to students who plan special Events
  • Issue approval forms for Special Events
  • Schedule meetings with facility managers or service providers
  • Setup Agency Accounts
  • Provide billing estimates beyond the reservation fee for paid spaces or charges incurred with service providers on campus
  • Approve exceptions to exceed weekly meetings or special events

The Center for Student Involvement and facility managers that oversee paid spaces on campus, with the exception of the Mondavi Center, will provide these services to registered student organizations; reservations will continue to be made through Conference and Event Services. Please note reservations will remain tentative pending review and approval by the Center for Student Involvement.

Billing Policy and Procedures

Dear Student Event Planners:

Please be aware that non-refundable reservation fees of $43 per room per day will be charged to your agency account when your reservation is created.

Reservation fees will be collected for events that fall within the following parameters:

  • Reservations that are charging registration or collecting funds in a non-paid space
  • Reservations in all paid spaces
  • Reservations for weekly meetings in excess of four hours per week
  • Reservations that exceed three Special Events per quarter
  • Reservations that exceed the allotted approval time of 21 days due to extension (Includes denied/cancelled events)

Please contact for questions regarding billing or room setup. For all other questions, please contact CSI at

Online Room Reservation Process

Conference and Event Services (CES) reservations meeting certain criteria will be processed automatically online for Authorized Reservers. Events meeting the following criteria will be processed automatically online:

  • Reservations for weekly meetings in general assignment (classroom) space
  • Reservations for weekly meetings in non-paid spaces (Memorial Union Moss Room)
  • Reservations for weekly meetings not on holidays, campus closure days or during finals
  • Your event does not require any additional approval (e.g., fundraising, food service, security, one day sales license)

Reservations needing special approval or not meeting the above criteria will not be automatically processed. For these events, a reservation request will be submitted and reviewed by the Center for Student Involvement. Further instructions will be issued by CSI or the facility manager. For more information about the reservation review and approval process, please visit the CSI reservations webpage.

To make any reservation for a student organization, you must be one of the two designated Authorized Reservers for your organization. Student organizations must also be registered and have an active Agency Account.

NOTE:  If your designated Authorized Reservers have changed since your student organization registered last spring, you MUST update your student organization's roster in AggieLife, complete Authorized Reservers Training, and provide their UC Davis (Kerberos) Login ID to access CES. For more information on how to make officer changes, please visit the CSI website.

Filling Out the "Request to Reserve Campus Facilities" Form for Weekly Meetings

Registered student organizations may reserve up to 4 hours per week for general meetings.


  • Requests for weekly meetings may be made beginning the last day of instruction for the next quarter. Fall Quarter requests are accepted the first day of Fall Quarter.
  • Once groups have re-registered with CSI in Spring Quarter for the following academic year, they may reserve up to three non-recurring (special) events for the upcoming Fall Quarter.
  • Starting the first day of Fall Quarter, groups may reserve space for non-recurring (special) events during Winter and Spring Quarters (up to three per quarter).
Client Information

If you don't know your CSI mailbox number, you may look it up on AggieLife.

Agency Accounts are required to reserve space on campus and may be set up through CSI.

Event Information

Answer all questions to the best of your ability as we will assist you with all necessary policy and procedure based on your answers.

Classrooms may not be reserved during the holidays or finals week.