Instructions on how to become a Campus Interest Group
What is a Campus Interest Group?
A campus interest group is registered with Conference and Event Services to establish the organization's eligibility for occasional use of campus facilities. CES will register organizations:
- Whose members are associated with the university through employment, alumni or student status, or a spouse of a student; and
- That have organized to provide service, charitable, social, cultural, recreational, or educational activities (exclusive of commercial activities) not in conflict with those of the university. Refer to section 270-08 of the UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual - Campus Interest Groups.
How to Register
- Create a Chart String* via CES or through Accounting Services on campus
- Complete the Campus Interest Group Application,** which can be found here.
- A non-refundable application fee of $360 for registration is required when your application is submitted. Please make check payable to the Regents of the University of California.
- If the application is approved, a copy of your application will be sent to you.***
- *A valid Chart String is required to make reservations online
- **All application information is required, including a minimum of 10 active members.
- ***Please allow 5 business days to process your Application
Period of Registration
- Campus interest groups are registered on a July 1 to June 30 basis.
- The annual registration process begins in May.
Further Information
For more information, refer to the UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual, Section 270-08, or contact Conference and Event Services at